Financial Asset

Investment Alphabet

 inspired me to create an Investment Alphabet. You see, I’m a big believer in cooking from scratch and consuming lots of different and wholesome foods so nature can do the hard work. It struck me that this is really quite similar to my personal finance approach.

1. Develop an overall strategy from the ground up. Using advisers is like using recipes. They can provide ideas and help you implement them, but only you know if you want beef or fish for dinner!

2. Use lots of different products, but choose “wholesome” ones and time will do the hard work. Foods have nutritional value and health benefits; financial products have performance metrics and risk characteristics. Good stuff in = good stuff out!  Continue reading

Financial Puzzle “It’s All Greek to Me”

There’s lots of jargon and terminology in the world of finance. You have – no doubt – mastered a fair few terms and concepts. Buying on credit, insurance premium, ISA, PAYE, PPI insurance, to name but a few. In fact, you probably know more terms than you think.

Our courses use games to extract that latent knowledge and introduce bigger concepts. They teach while you play. Give it a go with our Investment Word Search! Solve the financial puzzle and get your reward.

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